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have an affair with
1. To have sexual intercourse with someone. See copulation for synonyms.2. To have a romantic or sexual relation with a married person. See affair for synonyms.
Quote: Shirlee Kenyan (Dolly Parton) hosting a radio call-in show in Straight Talk (1992): ' Now let me get this straight. You got a wife and you got a girlfriend in the office? Did you say your name was Bud or Stud? I'm sorry, but it sounds to me like you're living your life so crooked you have to screw your socks on. Having an affair is like shooting pool on two tables. You may have the balls, Bud, but you're gonna wear out your stick.'
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have a soft spot for
have a spasm
have a sperm attack
have a sweet tooth for
have a thing for
have a tumble
have a tuna sandwich
have a turn on one's back
have a visitor
have a wank
have a watermelon on the vine
have a wet
have a wet dream
have a yearning for
have a yen for
have affection for
have an emission
have an itch for
have another on the way
have ants in one's pants
have at it
have bats in the belfry
have box lunch
have brewer's droop
have carnal knowledge
have carnal knowledge of
have chemistry
have Chinese singing lesson
have coition
have coitus with
have esteem for
have a spasm
have a sperm attack
have a sweet tooth for
have a thing for
have a tumble
have a tuna sandwich
have a turn on one's back
have a visitor
have a wank
have a watermelon on the vine
have a wet
have a wet dream
have a yearning for
have a yen for
have affection for
have an affair with
Have an axe to grindhave an emission
have an itch for
have another on the way
have ants in one's pants
have at it
have bats in the belfry
have box lunch
have brewer's droop
have carnal knowledge
have carnal knowledge of
have chemistry
have Chinese singing lesson
have coition
have coitus with
have esteem for